This is a user that I just this afternoon cleaned her entire Wifi settings and performed the roaming command mentioned earlier. Just had a device roam to another AP while she was sitting at her desk. 10.7.5 was supposed to be focused on network reliability and performance but the golden master beta doesn't appear to address it. Will keep you updated on the same."Īpple said that they know about this issue with Aruba hardware and to look for a future OS release to fix it. However, in order to understand the behavioral change with these new MacBook Version I am also checking on the possibility of providing some data to Apple support and get their views on the same. So as of now the AP’s are behaving normal and scanning other channel for the defined scan time hence we cannot change the scan algorithm because it’s a huge change and might bring up another issue with the ARM functionality. One of the option we tested is to disable Scanning to validate the above theory and it helped the situation, however Disabling Scanning will not be recommended since it means asking ARM not to perform. "We did some testing using the same clients and found out that the clients are sending the PS frame very frequently and then when AP’s are scanning other channel to find a better channel, that’s the time when the frame goes missing and AP thinks that client is still awake and keep sending data. It's something to do with the wireless card going into some sort of sleep mode, I'm guessing to save battery life.Īruba has been able to replicate the issue in their test environment, but believes that the APs are working as they should and it's the clients that are not behaving correctly. If the clients are actively downloading something from the Internet though, the ping times are consistently right at 1ms. This can lead to them losing work and/or having to sign in multiple times a day and it drives them nuts. When there's about 15+ timeouts in a row, the clients will lose connection to their email client (FirstClass) and Filemaker. If I ping a Lion client that's just sitting on my desk, the response times are all over the place and you will eventually see big chunks of timeouts. They're really just getting crappy performance on the wireless network. I've actually been on hold with them twice this mornig and gotten disconnected twice, so I'm at my wit's end! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! TIA! I've called Apple this morning and of course they are pointing the finger at the wireless. Older Mac clients, running on 10.6.8, and our many iPads and iPhones are working just fine. I know it sounds like an Apple specific issue, but it's a combination of them and Aruba v.6. I've tried all of the suggestions on the client site including replacing kernel extensions for wireless with those from an old OS, but the ping times are still all over the place. I've also set up a little Belkin router to test with and when I connect one of the clients to that wirelessly, the ping times are >1 ms, right where they should be. That makes it sound like the wireless card is going into power save mode, but there's no way to modify those settings on the Mac like you can on Windows. One thing I've notied is if I ping a client, the response times are all over the place unless they are downloading or doing something on the Internet. I've been working with Aruba support for the past 2 weeks and they've gone into the controller and tweaked a bunch of settings in accordance to best practices, but nothing has seemed to help. The thing is, these clients all appeared to work fine before we upgraded to the v.6 code. I've done a ton of research on the Apple forums and on here and while many people reported issues with Lion and wireless, I haven't found anyone with issues while using Aruba specificially. They appear to get disconnected from the wireless several times throughout the day, which resets their connections to our email system and Filemaker server which ultimitely causes them to lose work and get very frustrated that they have to log back into these systems. We have recently deployed a bunch of 2011 MacBook Airs running the latest version of OS X Lion (10.7.3). I've been struggling with an issue since upgrading our controller to v.